Thursday, April 5, 2012

Thursdays-Your Protection Tips: Forgotten Road Rules

Some common forgotten rules of the road are causing more harm than help. Let’s review:

Walk on the Left, Drive on the Right in the U.S.
We drive on the right side of the road in the United States. We walk on the left, so we can see oncoming traffic. Don’t walk or jog on the right side of the road. Drivers can see you, get distracted and actually start driving towards you, from behind you. Don’t jog or walk on a busy highway shoulder, if you don’t have to. Plus, you’re breathing in all those fumes, that’s not healthy.

Its better to see what is ahead of you to see a warning or obstacle to avoid. We have more control over our own actions and react to what we see to seek safety.

When merging, let the person in front of you go first
Most rear-ended accidents are found to be the driver in the back’s fault. Even if they have the wrong blinker on, once you see they are trying to get over in front you-let them. Let large vehicles have the right away; Semis, Cargo, and Buses. Best to let them have room to turn, then risk them react too quickly and tip over on to you.

Try to follow the “merge into a lane-every other car” rule, its just polite. Avoid thinking a blinker is a Race car checkered flag race signal. Don’t be the speed jerk trying to jump ahead, people see it and may block you.

Remember the possibility in multiple lanes highways: "If you let me get over, I may get out of your way." They may be trying to exit.


When getting pulled over, go to a busy parking lot 
Avoid pulling over on the shoulder of a busy highway or street, too many people will slow down and look or people won’t slow down and drive towards you. Parking lots are low speed, usually low flow of traffic areas.
If your car will potentially be towed or searched, park it in an area with room around you. Some businesses will let you park your car there for a few days or hours.

For more safety and you want witnesses: Park it in the parking lot area that may be in more public view, like in front of the business. Some busy large businesses' parking lots have cameras or people who may have more time to be a witness.
Reassure the police officer you were looking after their safety too. This will show them you had their safety in mind, even if it was a small few minutes of a delay.

For more safety
Once stopped, you can call the station to verify if it’s a real cop and you don’t have to roll your window down all the way.

And of course, buckle up, use your signals, keep a safe distance from the car in front of you, be up to date on tags and insurance.

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