Tuesday, July 30, 2013

5 Speedier Ways To Employment

On an average, it takes an hour to fill out an application or resume. If you pass the next step towards acceptance, the interview screening process begins.  Once you get through to actually speaking to someone, you go through the waiting, agreeing to multiple background tests, and self torturing yourself imagining the rejection response. 

Before you completely give up sorting through possibly thousands of job titles, consider a few of these time saving tips:

1. Use Multiple Temporary Employment AgenciesIncrease your job search faster by partnering up with four or five employment agencies. Double check to be sure if they have exclusivity or non-compete clauses. Legitimate ones do not charge an up front fee. They earn by getting you work.  They will filter your qualifications, apply knowledge based tests, and ask if you have a preference of where you'd like to work.  Each place may take a couple of hours to finish all the skills testings, but this means you can have four or five agents looking for jobs with you.  

2. Apply with who you do business with
If you are a frequent shopper at a local grocery store, use electricity, cable or any other regular services consider applying with them.  Another benefit of working for them is possible discounts.  Customer service working from home positions are increasing. Check their websites and do not put an exclusive city as a search choice. Work from home jobs can be done in various cities.

3.  Volunteer

Yes, volunteer as a way to get to know an organization. This shows a selfless leadership quality with a direct personal connection to staff members watching you.  On occasion, positions are even created based on your needed talents. It also increases your network of people.  

4. Fill a need and charge a price
Services are created by seeing a need and fulfilling a solution.  Be an entrepreneur.  Match what you can do with what people may be looking for. Fix a fence, tutor, sweep a porch or two, grow and sell vegetables.  Each of us has some talented skill another is lacking. 

5. Pick a job title and strive for it
If this is a little difficult to choose, try step one. Temporary Agencies list your skills and place you in a position most suitable for your capabilities. When a person decides what direction or what industry they want to work in, it gives a focus on a goal.  Once you decide, immerse yourself with talented leaders to learn from.

Recall back to what you wished as a kid, what you did in high school, where you saw yourself living. Match that to what you'd like to be doing.  Do your best to find a position that will support that dream, even if only to support the funding.  

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