Friday, April 6, 2012

What day they fire you really tells you.

Friday: But why, Boss, why? -  Series, so far.

Unemployment rates are speeding up like a constant spinning merry-go-round revolving door. Workers are running to catch up speed, grab a handle, and hop on for the dizzying ride-even on another playground. When you get tossed off by a boss, tells you what they’re really thinking.

End of a Calendar Quarter
Around every three months, upper management is looking for ways to cut budgets. Pay is usually the quickest choice, as it’s a recurring expense, similarly like an electricity bill. Budget cut discussions have been talked about way before the actual layoffs or termination. They’ve already talked about how much and who may be let go. Managers and supervisors, who get higher salaries, may get fired first, but of course, won’t be told until closer to the day. Layoffs at the end of the year are the most heartbreaking due to the holiday gift-giving season.

If you’re Fired on Friday

Bad news is often given at the end of the day or week to try to minimize causing an embarrassing reactive scene. This says: They may like you enough to give you time to be upset in private. If management or the business isn’t working or open afterwards, it minimizes a chance of a return face to face confrontation, from you. This also gives you some time to search for a job in the Sunday newspaper.

If you're Fired in the Middle of the Week.
There are a couple of reasons they may do this.
  1.  A situation has peaked to emotional angry boiling points. The superior lacked taking patience and time to fully hear out details of all parties involved and most are making automatic judgments based on established previous behavior from the employee. Remember, any emotions can influence choices.
  2. They’re giving you time to pack your office. Even if they give you time to pack, its  still   uncomfortable to have your co-workers watch you leave in boxes.  

If you’re Fired On Monday

Management may think the beginning of the week will get a new beginning. They thought about it over the weekend. If they fire you on purpose on Monday, they may be viciously diminishing your chances of making money for the rest of the week.  Or they may trust you won’t be back to retaliate. Plus, you can start filing for unemployment benefits right away since its a start of a week.

Be reassured to know that just because they terminated you, personally, they will have to continue to deal with possibly similar situations again. As managers or supervisors, they also have plenty of others with a variety of flaws of issues they will need to manage over. Their managers are keeping track of that track record too.
Find a little giddy joy in knowing they will have more work to do to cover your tasks or find others to do it for them until they have a replacement. Once they find a replacement, or not, they have to take  the time in their schedule to train others properly. Those that are trainers, are given instructions from their superiors to set the pace, speed, and controls towards the spinning movement of the business.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Thursdays-Your Protection Tips: Forgotten Road Rules

Some common forgotten rules of the road are causing more harm than help. Let’s review:

Walk on the Left, Drive on the Right in the U.S.
We drive on the right side of the road in the United States. We walk on the left, so we can see oncoming traffic. Don’t walk or jog on the right side of the road. Drivers can see you, get distracted and actually start driving towards you, from behind you. Don’t jog or walk on a busy highway shoulder, if you don’t have to. Plus, you’re breathing in all those fumes, that’s not healthy.

Its better to see what is ahead of you to see a warning or obstacle to avoid. We have more control over our own actions and react to what we see to seek safety.

When merging, let the person in front of you go first
Most rear-ended accidents are found to be the driver in the back’s fault. Even if they have the wrong blinker on, once you see they are trying to get over in front you-let them. Let large vehicles have the right away; Semis, Cargo, and Buses. Best to let them have room to turn, then risk them react too quickly and tip over on to you.

Try to follow the “merge into a lane-every other car” rule, its just polite. Avoid thinking a blinker is a Race car checkered flag race signal. Don’t be the speed jerk trying to jump ahead, people see it and may block you.

Remember the possibility in multiple lanes highways: "If you let me get over, I may get out of your way." They may be trying to exit.


When getting pulled over, go to a busy parking lot 
Avoid pulling over on the shoulder of a busy highway or street, too many people will slow down and look or people won’t slow down and drive towards you. Parking lots are low speed, usually low flow of traffic areas.
If your car will potentially be towed or searched, park it in an area with room around you. Some businesses will let you park your car there for a few days or hours.

For more safety and you want witnesses: Park it in the parking lot area that may be in more public view, like in front of the business. Some busy large businesses' parking lots have cameras or people who may have more time to be a witness.
Reassure the police officer you were looking after their safety too. This will show them you had their safety in mind, even if it was a small few minutes of a delay.

For more safety
Once stopped, you can call the station to verify if it’s a real cop and you don’t have to roll your window down all the way.

And of course, buckle up, use your signals, keep a safe distance from the car in front of you, be up to date on tags and insurance.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Happy Hump Day Dating Advice-What the Phrases really Mean

Sift through your wide net of fishes in the sea. Be sure to avoid getting pricked by the hidden hooks. Re-look before reaching and re-consider what you may get from these misunderstood slimy baits, but also find out how to use a better lure.  

Divorced who likes adventure
·        This person is not ready to settle down and looking for action.
·        They will want someone with minimal baggage.
·        The more baggage, the more time it takes to pack and prepare for a trip.
·        They will go somewhere with or without you.

    Tired of paying
            This phrase can be said in other ways, but essentially:
·        They are broke and strapped for cash.
·        They want you to pay.
·        They felt financially used in a past or present relationship.
·        Not ready to  share their money with another person in their life.

   I am like this, I like to do this
·        Its all about me, not you.
·        Not interested in what you like.
·        I’m a good listener, but let me talk about me.
·        I’m set in my ways. Take it or leave it. No room for change here.

 Lack of self confidence cues
·        Struggling. We are all struggling,. Now you want me to drain myself to help you?
·        Lost my smile. People want to be around happy people.
·        Lonely and looking for love. That’s desperate sounding and too obvious too fast.
·        I’ve been treated bad in the past cause…. Stop whining, searching for sympathy, and relying on someone else to boost you up or listen to you bag on your exes.

What we all look for
·        We all want to be liked for who we are.
·        We want to share moments of doing common enjoyable things together.
·        We all want to find someone who will accept us.
·        We are looking for someone who will contribute to enrich or add value to our lives, not drain us.
·        We all change slowly through experiences and time.
·        We don’t want to be compared to others or relive a bad experience.

What to list or not
  • First, list the benefits of what you can provide.
    Men are usually Providers, Women are usually Nurturers.
    • Like Dates
    •  How you treat someone.
    • Romantic gestures.
  • Match those benefits with your character features on how you can provide them.
    • Movie and dinner nights, Galleries, Site Seeing
    • Open the door, plan a head, Get their input but also surprises.
    • Flowers, dinner, candles, love notes
  • Don’t list past bad experiences on what you did, what they did, how it ended. Dating is about fresh starts with someone new.
  • Be confident in yourself and them.

 How Partnerships are like services or products:
·        What will it do for me?
·        How will it make my life better?
·        Did I make the right choice out of all the other choices or fishes in the sea?
·        What offers, promises, and impressions were made and are they keeping them?

And of course, minimize your time wasting self-torture of asking for the reasons why someone broke up with you. Move on to spending positive time towards finding that someone who will accept you. That’s only one person in the sea of fishes in the entire world population. Re-cast your wide net back out there, but be prepared you may catch some junk to filter through.

And stay away from those that kiss like a sloppy fish or those poisonous prince promising frogs.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Job Applying Tips

Unemployment rates are rising, These steps can help you stand out.

Be specific

  • List your skills including software computer programs ability.
  • List the type of job or position you want.
  • List your contact information.
  • List your salary requirements in a range, ask for the highest, they may try to negotiate down.
  • No typos either.

Don’t wait for a job to be posted publicly

  • Human Resources Directors and their Assistants know internally before they post the position publicly.
  • If they have your resume or application on file ahead of time, they can use it as a resource of choices.
  • Most store resumes or applications for a certain amount of time.
  • They will not always choose internally.
  • It can help save them money of listing an advertisement.
  • Send Resumes to multiple businesses.
  • Send regularly, especially if you really want to work there
    • Once a week
    • Once a month
    • It creates a memory of recall and recognition of your name and skills.
    • They can choose to tell you to stop sending.
  • Even if they tell you there are no job openings right now, don’t let that discourage you from re-submitting your info.  

Don’t just email, Mail your info

  • Email is getting overloaded and can be sent to spam, junk, or bulk mail folders and get lost in the pile. Emails are more commonly sorted by most recent date.
  • Mailing arrives on their desk, in front of them and usually looked at quicker.
  • Although you can mail to Attn: Human Resources or Hiring Manager, You can research their name to be sure it lands on their desk, specifically.
  • Be careful of mailing sensitive information like Social Security Numbers, in case of wrong delivery.

Make copies of general applications you filled out

·     Unless it’s a company specific form or for a specific position.
  • Do not fill out your Social Security Number or sensitive information until you are to the point of handing it over.
  • There are still general applications out there, but usually for non-management, blue collar, and minimum wage positions and/or a company requirement.
  • Management or supervisory positions also require a resume.
  • If it’s a two page application form that does not seem specialized to a position, fill it out and make copies to hand deliver or mail.  If printing a lot, print copy companies are the cheaper way to go than from a home printer.
  • Destroy any extra copies laying around.   

Don’t get discouraged from lack of response

  • Some companies may not choose to respond due to time and money it takes to send you a rejection letter.
  • Companies are cutting funds to pay people for ‘unnecessary’ work or supplies:Stamps, salary, paper and office supplies.    
  • They are still deciding.
  • Some may not list why you weren’t chosen to avoid retaliation or debates and lawsuits of choosing the wrong person.
  • “Found someone more qualified” is a general, avoiding specifics, explanation.
  • Some companies may not be impressed with the ones they’ve interviewed and will re-look at applications and resumes received, which could include yours.
  • They may decide to not hire or eliminate the need for the position due to cutting expenses.

Ask friends and family

  • Ask friends or family if they know of anything, but be respectful and remember they can choose to say no.
  • Offer to do errands for either trade or set a fee. Promote your specialty. This will help towards self-employment and referrals.
  • Create a business card listing your services and hand it out.
  • If receiving financial assistance in other ways, please be honest and report what you received.

Not reporting accurately can lead to Tax Audits, a reason to investigate where your funds are coming from. Discovery of falsifying information can be against the law, which can effect your future chances of receiving government assistance and jail or prison time.

 Its more ideal to try to make more money than the allowable limited income by government assistance. Those that take advantage of the system effects the money balance of spreading available funds around to others who are in need too. 

Monday, April 2, 2012

Monday Money Savers - Good Grade Gifts

We all take pride in your child’s excellent report card, but some businesses are luring their impressionable minds and the parents’ wallet toward their profit. Schools are approached by businesses like fast food restaurants, large businesses, or entertainment events handing out gift certificates for a free pass or dinner for good grades, usually to children under eighteen.

Once you’re in the business, the food and excitement entices you more. Chatty happy crowds of people, delicious aromas, bright colors, and positive music with the conveniences you don’t have to cook or clean up after them. Or the emotional appeal of a diversion escape from a hard day. But how much is that diversion costing you?

Instead, offer alternative plans or items you know your child enjoys more, because you know your child better than anyone else and you know your budget.

Trade the Gift Certificates for:
  • $5 dollars towards their piggy banks.
  • A day at the park- Family Dodge Ball Date.
  • A sleepover at your house with one friend.
  • Teach your child how to make their favorite dish.
  • Get 5 and they get a new pair of tennis shoes or toy.
  • Trade to do their chore for a week.

Collect the coupons and donate:
  • To homeless shelters
  • An adoptive family
  • A child saving institute
  • Underprivileged
  • Save Havens for Single Moms
  • Get the school involved to collect them too.  

Create a Good Grade Reward Catalog – printed or online: 
Ask local small businesses to:
  • Donate a free good grade reward item with no obligation to buy. 
  • Have them buy advertising space featuring just that item and their contact info.
  • And ask for a donation to support the school in equal value too:
    • Ex: Reams of copy paper, crafts, computer disks, etc.
    • Or let them make a monetary donation
  • Or have parents donate to recycle items too, of course, following any safe guidelines; outgrown desks, dressers, step stool, music, etc.
  • Have a creative person design the catalog or website or even have the kids help create a couple of pages.

Ideas that are healthy and practical
  • Computer store donating disks
  • Dance or Martial Art instructor offers a group lesson at the school.
  • School Supply or craft store donates supplies like glitter, glue, calculator
  • Jogging pants or shorts from a clothing store with no logo brands in various sizes.
  • A music teacher giving away a few lessons at the school.
  • A doggie poo pick up service, so they don’t have to do it.
  • Or let them choose to donate it to someone else or a charity.
  • A basketball, football, glove, backpack, binder, etc.
  • A book store donating books.
A reward catalog limits the child and your view of other distracting items in merchants’ stores. 
  • Parents and teachers decide the details like price levels, reward levels, and per class catalog.
  • Once created, give the catalog to parents first. Write down the name of the child and parent inside.
  • Let the parent approve 10-20 items
  • The teacher keeps that parent preferred list for the child
  • Suggest the parent keep the catalog in view as an enticement to the child to get good grades like on their bedroom door or fridge.
  • Have the school stock the items in house and ready to hand out right away, an instant gratification feeling with of course honoring the parents’ choice.
  • Reward the item at the end of the day or week to minimize distractions.
Support the circle of the small business owner first who live in the community, who offer healthier practical closer accessible services.  The business will be thrilled for the small affordable advertising opportunity. Parents and teachers get to be involved with a positive active role in helping their child make good choices with consideration to their wallets. 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Sundays 7 free weekly events in the city

April 1st – April 8th 2012 Contact the businesses directly with any questions and limitations

Visit my website to find out more FREE stuff
Although mostly in the Omaha Local area, but I can research your town.

1. Mondays –kids eat free
Summer Kitchen Mon and Tues nights

2. Monday Kids eat free
Quaker State Lube Council Bluffs, IA

3. Mondays
Spaghetti Work Kids Eat Free – Ralston , Lincoln, and Omaha
11 and under

4. Tuesday
Kids eat free (10 and under)
China Buffett

5. Tuesday
Kids eat free

6. Boys Town Tour-by appointment
(donation recommended)

7. Saturdays 10-noon Free Admission
Joslyn Art museum

Visit my website to find out more FREE stuff
Although mostly in the Omaha Local area, but I can research your town.