Once you’re in the business, the food and excitement entices you more. Chatty happy crowds of people, delicious aromas, bright colors, and positive music with the conveniences you don’t have to cook or clean up after them. Or the emotional appeal of a diversion escape from a hard day. But how much is that diversion costing you?
Instead, offer alternative plans or items you know your child enjoys more, because you know your child better than anyone else and you know your budget.
Trade the Gift Certificates for:
- $5 dollars towards their piggy banks.
- A day at the park- Family Dodge Ball Date.
- A sleepover at your house with one friend.
- Teach your child how to make their favorite dish.
- Get 5 and they get a new pair of tennis shoes or toy.
- Trade to do their chore for a week.
Collect the coupons and donate:
- To homeless shelters
- An adoptive family
- A child saving institute
- Underprivileged
- Save Havens for Single Moms
- Get the school involved to collect them too.
Create a Good Grade Reward Catalog – printed or online:
Ask local small businesses to:- Donate a free good grade reward item with no obligation to buy.
- Have them buy advertising space featuring just that item and their contact info.
- And ask for a donation to support the school in equal value too:
- Ex: Reams of copy paper, crafts, computer disks, etc.
- Or let them make a monetary donation
- Or have parents donate to recycle items too, of course, following any safe guidelines; outgrown desks, dressers, step stool, music, etc.
- Have a creative person design the catalog or website or even have the kids help create a couple of pages.
Ideas that are healthy and practical
- Computer store donating disks
- Dance or Martial Art instructor offers a group lesson at the school.
- School Supply or craft store donates supplies like glitter, glue, calculator
- Jogging pants or shorts from a clothing store with no logo brands in various sizes.
- A music teacher giving away a few lessons at the school.
- A doggie poo pick up service, so they don’t have to do it.
- Or let them choose to donate it to someone else or a charity.
- A basketball, football, glove, backpack, binder, etc.
- A book store donating books.
- Parents and teachers decide the details like price levels, reward levels, and per class catalog.
- Once created, give the catalog to parents first. Write down the name of the child and parent inside.
- Let the parent approve 10-20 items
- The teacher keeps that parent preferred list for the child
- Suggest the parent keep the catalog in view as an enticement to the child to get good grades like on their bedroom door or fridge.
- Have the school stock the items in house and ready to hand out right away, an instant gratification feeling with of course honoring the parents’ choice.
- Reward the item at the end of the day or week to minimize distractions.
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