Friday, November 6, 2009

7 sweets and treats that attract the un- fungi- yeast.

Throughout the year we celebrate all sorts of holidays and special occasions that give us temptations to eat sweets or treat ourselves with someone sweet. Parties, outings, and even the snacks at the team meetings can bring more than just a temporary sugar rush happy feeling. Too much can bring an unwanted misbalance of irritating yeast to the body.

Yeast infections or candida can occur in the esophagus, vagina, digestive track and skin. Contrary to popular misbelief men can catch the infection, suffer from it and spread it.

· Itchy skin
· Irritation
· White discharge
· Odor
· Lesions
· Redness
· Scaly dry skin

As any health condition if it persists longer than a week or you are unsure seek medical attention and advice.

Seven trigger factors
1. Antibiotics

Even though this health assisted medication can be effective in fighting many other bodily infections, it tends to strip the body of any bacteria, including the good kind.

More doctors recommend taking probiotics such as Lactobacillus acidophilus found commonly in yogurt as live active enzymes. More studies are being done, but it has been found to assist digestion and fight bad bacteria. The digestive tract holds plenty of toxic waste in the intestines destined for elimination. Be sure this is functioning well.

Some will also prescribe an over the counter or prescription topical cream.

2. Contraceptives and pregnancy
These can alter hormones and body chemistry. Drugs, toxins, and harmful substances effect the detoxifying function of the liver and pancreas.

These can prevent or delay the regular natural hormonal cycle.

3. Sugar levels
The liver and pancreas help control glucose levels or (sugar)

· People suffering from Diabetes have a higher chance of getting a yeast infection.
· Refined sugar foods like candy, soda, bread, alcoholic drinks, rice, pickled foods, processed foods, potatoes, sauces, dips, and cheese can increase the production of yeast.

4. Warm and wet conditions

· Sex
· Whirlpool, tubs, saunas, steam
· Fever, high body temperature
· Exercise
· Weight gain

5. Health conditions
Existing health problems like Diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol, flu, colds, allergies, or other weakened conditions make the body work harder compromising the immune system.

Wear a condom to minimize passing it on. This helps reduce the risk of spreading contagious diseases, but not 100% effective.

Stress can increase temperatures, lactic acids, sleeplessness, irritability, hunger, and changes in body chemistry. Factors that can tempt us to seek comfort foods or eat for an extra energy boosts, generate skin changes, and cause liquids to churn.

Exercise regularly to keep the body in good shape and strength to reduce illnesses. Plus, Take a good multi vitamin with antioxidants that help fight free radicals.

6. Hygiene
· Practice good dental care hygiene.
What you ingest will affect your body chemistry. Any open sores, bacteria, and irritation can increase the chances for your body to catch an infection.

· Keep dry and clean.
After a shower be sure to dry off completely. Use an antibacterial soap.

· Cotton and loose fitting clothes.
Natural fibers help the body breathe to keep air flowing. Tight strict clothing can cause the body to naturally react with swelling, redness, and temperatures to rise from the irritation.

7. Allergies
· Avoid scented products.
This can include feminine hygiene products, cologne, perfume, and sprays.

· Avoid unnatural or synthetic items.
This includes some douches that contain unnatural ingredients.

· Allergies can cause mucus membranes to activate and body temperatures to rise. Creating a warm and wet human incubator.

Next time you reach for the sweets or your sweetie consider moderation by reducing a little here and there and protect yourself here and there. Our bodies, like our minds, become stimulated with what we give it. Keep the body in optimal condition with good healthy choices. Consider bringing healthier snacks to the team meeting or parties.

Alegent Health Systems. World Wide Web. As of Nov 2009. URL:

Emedicine health. World Wide Web. As of Nov 2009. URL:

Kids Health. World Wide Web. As of Nov 2009. URL: