Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Happy Hump Day Dating Advice-What the Phrases really Mean

Sift through your wide net of fishes in the sea. Be sure to avoid getting pricked by the hidden hooks. Re-look before reaching and re-consider what you may get from these misunderstood slimy baits, but also find out how to use a better lure.  

Divorced who likes adventure
·        This person is not ready to settle down and looking for action.
·        They will want someone with minimal baggage.
·        The more baggage, the more time it takes to pack and prepare for a trip.
·        They will go somewhere with or without you.

    Tired of paying
            This phrase can be said in other ways, but essentially:
·        They are broke and strapped for cash.
·        They want you to pay.
·        They felt financially used in a past or present relationship.
·        Not ready to  share their money with another person in their life.

   I am like this, I like to do this
·        Its all about me, not you.
·        Not interested in what you like.
·        I’m a good listener, but let me talk about me.
·        I’m set in my ways. Take it or leave it. No room for change here.

 Lack of self confidence cues
·        Struggling. We are all struggling,. Now you want me to drain myself to help you?
·        Lost my smile. People want to be around happy people.
·        Lonely and looking for love. That’s desperate sounding and too obvious too fast.
·        I’ve been treated bad in the past cause…. Stop whining, searching for sympathy, and relying on someone else to boost you up or listen to you bag on your exes.

What we all look for
·        We all want to be liked for who we are.
·        We want to share moments of doing common enjoyable things together.
·        We all want to find someone who will accept us.
·        We are looking for someone who will contribute to enrich or add value to our lives, not drain us.
·        We all change slowly through experiences and time.
·        We don’t want to be compared to others or relive a bad experience.

What to list or not
  • First, list the benefits of what you can provide.
    Men are usually Providers, Women are usually Nurturers.
    • Like Dates
    •  How you treat someone.
    • Romantic gestures.
  • Match those benefits with your character features on how you can provide them.
    • Movie and dinner nights, Galleries, Site Seeing
    • Open the door, plan a head, Get their input but also surprises.
    • Flowers, dinner, candles, love notes
  • Don’t list past bad experiences on what you did, what they did, how it ended. Dating is about fresh starts with someone new.
  • Be confident in yourself and them.

 How Partnerships are like services or products:
·        What will it do for me?
·        How will it make my life better?
·        Did I make the right choice out of all the other choices or fishes in the sea?
·        What offers, promises, and impressions were made and are they keeping them?

And of course, minimize your time wasting self-torture of asking for the reasons why someone broke up with you. Move on to spending positive time towards finding that someone who will accept you. That’s only one person in the sea of fishes in the entire world population. Re-cast your wide net back out there, but be prepared you may catch some junk to filter through.

And stay away from those that kiss like a sloppy fish or those poisonous prince promising frogs.

1 comment:

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    Dating Advice
