Thursday, May 3, 2012

Safegaurd Yourself- Minimize the Memberships

Thursdays your consumer protection, so far
Open your purse or wallet and count how many cards are in there or how many online accounts we have. Part of being aware of how to eliminate identity fraud is to not be involved in so many memberships linked with personal information with cards and online accounts.
In today’s technologically advanced culture do we do need to carry around so many cards? Over half this list can be eliminated. It will also reduce your wallet, reducing the chance of things falling out.

Types of cards:
*Bank Cards
*Business Cards
*Coupon Cards
*Credit Cards
*Frequent customer Card
*Grocery store Cards
*Gym membership
Insurance Cards
*Library card
Military ID card
Photo ID card
*Social Security Card
*Store movie rental
*Travel Club card

*Not necessary to carry all the time

Time is of essence to report

Cards with identifying personal information attached should be reported right away such as: Credit Cards, Social Security Cards, Insurance Cards, Store Rental cards, Travel Club Cards. These are cards that can damage your credit quickly. Frustratingly, we may ask, “ How do we contact them if we don’t have a card to find the phone number.” It will take time to research and thieves know this.

Between the time the items got stolen to the time you call the companies, the thieves could already be using your information. Good news, Credit card companies only make you liable for a minimum amount.

During a fraud review, agents usually look at records of location, time and activity that seem out of character with any previous pattern.

Create a habit

Make a list of important phone numbers of each company or know where to locate them quickly.
· File or store them in a safe place
o        Not the sock drawer
o        Not under the mattress
· Preferably in a locked fireproof safe box.
· Only carry what you need at the time.

Use your photo ID often
Large companies with advanced computer networks can look up your account just by your photo ID information.  Or if you’re a regular, the staff recognizes you.  More specific identifiers are on the rise like fingerprinting or facial recognition software programs.

Online account safety
With so many hand held devices like Smart phones, the more ways are created to access online accounts. Be sure to take extra precaution when transmitting any sensitive information this way. There will always be errors and possibilities of any computer system getting hacked. Computers record data. Human mistakes can happen too, such as, sending to a wrong email address in which the computer recorded, recognized, and recommends by key strokes.

Passwords and User Names
· Don’t allow a system to save your password
· Change your password every couple of months
· Combine Capital letters, numbers, symbols unevenly
· Don’t use personal numbers or words: SSN, Birthdate, phone, zip codes
· Don't use other passwords for other systems

Clean Phones and computers
· Clear your cache and cookies regularly
o        Internet window
o        Tools
o        Internet Options
o        Delete Browsing history
· Run a reputable antivirus software program (Avg: $50-$100)
· Some Internet providers offer a free brand version

Don’t click on unrecognizable links
· Curious, bizarre, shocking, threatening
· Too good to be true
· Doesn’t look like the official site by name in the website link
· Short email messages with unknown link name
· Things you didn't sign up for
· When in doubt, contact the company directly.

With so much varying interests growing with easier access, we enjoy life with many social groups. As our identity spreads across so many people, our links of bits and pieces of personal information spreads. We can do what we can to try to minimize the risk, there is nothing that is completely 100% confidential.

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