Thursday, March 29, 2012

Share your Corporate Employer Bully story.

Warning: Before posting a story, be sure to be careful about not posting any companies’ name as per more corporate laws, they may try to sue you and future employers may see this. Ya, I know it’s a catch 22. We know there are two sides to every story, let’s hear yours.
Even after that warning and you still want to post a name of a company, it’s your choice. Feel free to express yourself of the situation. 500 words or less please.

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·        Do you feel wronged in a termination situation?  

·        Were you threatened to be terminated if you didn’t do something that seemed against your own integrity? What happened?  

·        Were you pressured or felt peer pressured, put on the spot, or embarrassed? How? 

·        Did your supervisor or managers sign off approval on a work order then you got terminated?  

·        Were you passed up for promotion to someone you felt wasn’t qualified?  What reason do you think?

·        Were you having health issues and used your insurance? How often? 

·        Were you encouraged to make suggestions then discouraged? What kind of suggestions?

Any other situations?  feel free to explain, let it out!
PS. To protect you, I may review before publishing or write back to you on my professional views. 

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